Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How much for the Pope in the window?

For me? This is an average night. I sit on my computer until the wee hours of the morning doing god knows what until god knows when, and while my roomie sleeps her night away, I waste my precious night hours on the internet. Herp Derp.
However one particular night she woke up with a brilliant idea. It was actually slightly startling. There I sat on the computer, toiling away at youtube and suddenly I hear "Jenn. I have an idea"

So I look over and let her explain her ingenious idea to me.

"What if we got a cardboard cutout of the pope and put it against the window and wrote "The pope is watching you smoke" to the kids at the sizzling bridge?" I stared at her, half confused by what the hell she had just said, and the other half was slightly amazed. This idea sounded slightly amazing, if only because the kids down there are noisy even when I'm trying to go to bed.

For a momment, there was silence. Before I simply said "I"m looking up how much they cost right now."

Did you guys know a cutout of the pope costs 40 dollars? Yet Jesus is only 20. Why yes, i did spent the majority of the rest of my night looking up cutouts, what kinds are available, how much they cost and other silly things like that.

We also discussed the fact we could dress the pope up for every occasion. Halloween, Christmas, Hell he could even be the Easter Bunny.

Alas, neither of us really want to splurge 40 dollars for a cutout pope. So until then, there is nothing sitting in the window. But one day...


  1. Well, that certainly left me wondering what kind of store would sell a cutout pope.

  2. This store has a cutout of like everything

  3. You should use a rastering app

    and have a giant image of the pope's face in your window.

    I did this in my first year dorm ;D Except it wasn't a pope. and it wasn't out the window. But still.

  4. OMG this has to be one of the more brilliant things I've heard in years. I'm speechless. I also now want to date your roommate. lol

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. >I waste my precious night hours on the internet.

    The internet is never a waste of time!


  8. I love how the best ideas ever usually come in the middle of the night. That'd be funny to put outside of someones window.

  9. Your average night is my average night.

    I don't think a cardboard cutout of the pope would serve to deter noisy kids much anyway.

  10. I lol'd. That's a brilliant idea! Also, your roommat is awesome :O

  11. Your friend reminds me of myself: suddenly waking up to a suggest a brilliant idea to my nocturnal sister. Ahaha.
    Although I'm curious on why people other than you would need a cutout pope.

  12. I have absolutely no idea. But it seems to be in decent demand.

  13. I was THIS-> <- close to buying a 5 and a half foot cardboard cutout of speedracer for 30 bucks. I regret not buying it to this day. ;_;

  14. Haha the internet, a waste of time...

    The Pope is fatter than Jesus and has fancier clothes, maybe that's why he costs more XD But yeah, your roommate's idea is seriously boss.

  15. Hahaha. This is so mind-blowingly random and awesome.

  16. Hahaha that first picture applies to me all the time... and I always feel creepy looking.

  17. i kinda want my own pope cut-out now...XD I also love how you pointed out that the pope costs more than Jesus. Lol.

  18. that is a great idea to troll ppl IRL

  19. If you set up a paypal donation thingie, I'd totally donate to this worthy cause. And I'd expect pictures of him.

  20. Holy god please do this!
    I feel you on the staying up doing god knows what. I don't even know what I'm doing half the time, just up on the internet all night long.

  21. I wonder if the people living next door would put up a Satan cutot with the sign, "Smoking, it's awwwriiight".

  22. My_keyboard_is_broken_so...Jesus_wears_a_simple_outfit_with_less_colors_and_details,_whereas_for_the_Pope_you_blow_a_lot_of_ink_on_his_outfit,_hence_the_high_price_;P

  23. That makes a lot of sense.

    I should start a donation pool for the pope..

  24. Ha Ha. Totally worth the $40. You should join your roomie though. Sleep is a good thing :)

  25. well jesus is also acceptable...just ten dollars between the two of you
